SHEP Friday Seminars, Winter term, 2007/2008

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Our seminars are usually held on Fridays at 4:00pm in Shackleton Lecture Theatre B (building 44).

Please pay attention to the venue specification as it can vary from time to time.

Thank you to all the speakers and participants who are contributing to this season's talks.

Past seminars:

2007/08 seminars: first, second and third terms.

2006/07 seminars: first, second and third terms.

2005/06 seminars: first, second and third terms.

2004/05 seminars: first, second and third terms.

2003/04 seminars: first, second and third terms.

2002/03 seminars: first, second and third terms.

2001/02 seminars: first, second and third terms.

2000/01 seminars: first, second and third terms.

1999/00 seminars: first, second and third terms.

1998/99 seminars: first, second and third terms.


  • Michal Malinsky, room: 40, tel.: +44 (0)23 80592097, e-mail: malinsky'at'
  • Stefano Moretti, room: 5073, tel.: +44 (0)23 80596829, e-mail:
  • This page is maintained by Michal Malinsky; design by Alessia Apreda.
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